Connecting You To The World Of Weather
Welcome to UM Weather, the Internet's premier source of weather information since 1994. Providing access to thousands of forecasts, images, and the Net's largest collection of weather links, UM Weather is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of weather data on the Web. UM Weather is brought to you by the Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan
Weather Sites
The list that made us famous. This page provides access to over 150 North American weather sites.
Weather Cams
Live and daily pictures of weather conditions at over 700 locations around North America.
USA Weather
City-by-city forecasts, conditions, warnings, and weather graphics for each of the fifty states.
Radar and Satellite
Point-and-click access to the Internet's best Nexrad and color satellite imagery.
Ski Weather
Snow conditions and mountain-specific weather reports directly from the National Weather Service.
Travel Cities Weather
Nexrad radar, color satellite photos, climate information, forecasts, and conditions for thirty popular destinations nationwide.
Tropical Weather
The Net's most comprehensive collection of tropical storm-related links, including National Hurricane Center reports and incredible graphics.
Weather Maps
The Net's best surface and upper air analyses, including temperature maps, regional weather plots, and jet stream maps.
Weather Software
The Internet's only weather software archive, providing access to over two dozen of the best weather applications for Macs and PCs.

UM Weather pages have been visited over 689209100 times. Last modified: June 19, 2018.